Open Ratings Performance
Greytree Partners is committed to providing outstanding service to our clients. Quantifying how we are doing enables us to build on our success and continually improve on how we deliver to our clients.
In 2010 we engaged Open Ratings, ™ a Dunn and Bradstreet performance rating company, to perform an annual comprehensive review utilizing scoring information provided by current and former Greytree Partners clients. This anonymous review uses a sophisticated algorithm that takes into account overall performance in nine separate categories. The ratings are based on a score from 0 to 100.
Our most recent Open Ratings category performance breakdown scores and descriptions are:
Reliability - 96
How reliably do you think this company follows through on its commitments?
Cost - 95
How closely did your final total costs correspond to your expectations at the beginning of the transaction?
Order Accuracy - 92
How well do you think the product/service delivered matched your order specifications and quantity?
Delivery/Timeliness - 95
How satisfied do you feel about the quality of the product/service provided by this company?
Quality - 93
How satisfied do you feel about the quality of the product/service provided by this company?
Business Relations - 97
How easy do you think this company is to do business with?
Personnel - 98
How satisfied do you feel about the attitude, courtesy and professionalism of this company’s staff?
Customer Support - 95
How satisfied do you feel about the customer support you received from this company?
Responsiveness - 96
How responsive do you think this company was to information requests, issues, or problems that arose in the course of the transaction?